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A professional blogger who wastes his talents at Lyndon State majoring in electronic journalism arts.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Video Project II

There are many health issues that occur to students who are newly introduced to the college life, or happen to be under a lot of stress or work.  With hectic schedules, students can get caught up in unhealthy behaviors.  

                According to a website for the “Science Daily”, the 2007 College Student Health Survey Report traced a series of health problems including Menningitis, Obesity and sleep deprivation. 

One of the most important to a healthy college life it what your diet consists of. Many college students resort to cheap items such as Ramen Noodles or any other boxed processed food.  Eating “food” like this is a fast way to increase your blood pressure and also increase your chances of having a heart attack. 

Obesity is a continuous problem for America today, especially among college students.  Studies from UNH (in 2007) showed that about 1/3rd of their 12,000+ enrolled undergraduates were either overweight, or obese. 

The first step any college student can go to is taking a look at the Food Guide Pyramid.  This Pyramid is an outline of what to eat each day based on the “Dietary Guidelines.” 

The bottom of the pyramid contains the largest proportions (6-11 servings), containing foods such as bread, cereal, rice and pasta groups.  As you move towards the top of the pyramid, you have your veggies, fruits, milk yogurt and cheese, and right at the top at the smallest amounts you have fats, oils and sweets. 

                Even though dieting is a huge part of living a healthy lifestyle, exercise is just as important. Contrary to making efforts to eating healthy, many college students seem to stay on track with working out and going to the gym. 

Our group randomly surveyed ten people on the Lyndon State campus, and six said that participated in some sort of exercise at least 3 times a week, whether it was going to the gym, or running.   Now even though we only surveyed ten people, it already shows that students up here in Northern Vermont are making an effort to live healthy.

The gym is a great place to go and get your exercise needs, but for people starting off, they need to have an idea of what they are doing.  They need to make sure they have a routine so their body can continuously recognize what it’s doing. 

It is also important to remember to not work the same body part two days in a row. For example, if you lift arms one day, focus on legs the next, or take a day off from lifting and go out for a run which helps your cardiovascular endurance.

These are just some small tips for anyone who wants to boost their college lifestyle in the healthiest way possible.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Video Project- Hobbies


“A hobby is an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation” according to one dictionary. Another dictionary describes it as an activity someone does in their leisure time for pleasure.

A hobby can be virtually anything: playing video games, sports, cards, cycling, collecting items or even reading (yes, some people may like to read). Most people find hobbies in their younger years and end up sticking with them throughout their lifetime.

The most common hobbies today are playing sports. When children are young, either: their mother, their father or older figure gets them into sports because it is a great way to make friends at a young age.

Sports are great hobbies because they reflect your personality, when playing active sports you exhibit: dedication, passion and teamwork.

Although sports are great, they aren’t for everyone. One of the more popular hobbies on the Lyndon State campus is playing video games. Many of the students (mostly male) like to play video games with fellow students. Not only does it help create friends, but it also fills a competitive need that most college men seem to have.

A hobby isn’t something that you have to do all the time or something that everyone else does. It is simply something that you enjoy and do it because you love it.

Yesterday, (Tuesday, April 10), there were a couple students on campus demonstrating a “new” hobby of theirs…slacklining.

Slacklining is an activity where a 1” wide nylon rope is tied to two anchor points (trees in this instance) and you use the said rope as a balancing exercise. You can essentially do whatever you want when slacklining: jump on it, do flips, use it like a balance beam or even do yoga on it.

The versatility of the activity is what makes it so addicting and fun, but there’s no doubt it takes some practicing and getting used to to.

Another common hobby that LSC students have on campus is trading card games such as Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic: The Gathering. Without getting into too much detail, these games have thousands of different cards in which you make your own deck (usually 40-60 cards) and you use these cards in an effort to get your opponents “lifepoints” down to zero.

These games can actually be very complex because there is so much strategy behind the cards, and each card has its own different effect.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Audio Slideshow Project 2

Being a News7 reporter is certainly no easy task. Right when you begin your shift down in the newsroom, there are expectations of you. No matter what, the first thing any News7 reporter needs to accomplish is finding a story. This can either be done by the reporter himself, or by searching through “INews” to see if the producer has a story ready for the reporter.
Once the story is found, it is up to the reporter and his partner, the photographer, to go out on the story, and of course making any appropriate calls. The location of the story has to be done within the “squiggle”, which is an outlined area the covers much of northern/eastern Vermont and a small portion of New Hampshire. The reporter’s main job out on in the field is to interview and ask questions to supplement the video of the story.
Back in the newsroom, the footage captured out in the field will then be revised in the “editing bay”. The reporter needs to find the best quotes and “sound bites” to use for the finished version of the piece.
In the course “Local News Gathering” (prerequisite), you are asked to create a Finder Binder. This binder holds an enormous amount of information that can help you spruce up your stories. Finder Binder material ranges from the definitions of newsroom lingo to profile sketches of politicians to everyday tips of being a reporter.
In the newsroom/editing bay, the station personnel use words that aren’t everyday jargon but are common while at work. Not only are some of these words bizarre, there are also about three other synonyms per definition.
For example, an OTS is an over-the-shoulder graphic. Also called a: box, topic box or OSG. Then you have a Vo/Sot, which is a more common term in the edit bay. It is simply an easy way to say “voiceover-to-sound on tape.” Which is further defined as the anchor reading a script as the video is transitioned to the television, and then the interviewee’s voice and picture is shown.
Evan Coughlin is an alumnus of Lyndon State College and the Electronic Journalism Arts program. He had a lot of great things to say about News7 but he also said you need to make sure you are ready, time management is key and you need to have your priorities straight.
Coughlin later went on to say that the transition from the classroom to the newsroom is difficult and scary, however, you learn quickly. He also stated that the three hardest things about News7 are: meeting deadlines, finding story ideas and getting interviews. (He did not ever mention technical difficulties).
The media might not be for everyone, but everyone can appreciate what it has to offer. There is an exhilarating feeling when you barely meet a deadline then you see your story on the news.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Audio Slideshow Project Two Synopsis

For our second audio slideshow project, we will be conducting an interview and taking many pictures of Phil Alexander, essentially making it “A Day in the Life of a News 7 Reporter.”

We will be specifically taking pictures of what he does throughout the day down at News7, so people can get a general idea of what he does, or accomplishes in a complete shift. Some examples of photos might be him going out on a story, or him editing/shooting his footage.

We plan on using an iphone camera for the photos (the quality is adequate) and for the voice we will be interviewing him, but not including our voices in the slideshow, so it will just be Phil talking the whole time, but feeding off of our questions.
This will be an interesting project because not everyone fully understands what people go through down at News7, and this will give them a pretty good idea. Our intended audience is college students, but particularly underclassmen in the EJA major who are not down at News7 yet.

Audio Editor: Daniel Weiner
Interview/Synopsis/Story: Alex Farnworth and John Kazar
Photos and Photo Editing: Jianchun Zheng

CBS Atlanta FB Page

After looking at the CBS Atlanta Facebook page, I saw that it was very informational when it came to its information. The details about the station were well written and informative.
However, the stories were mostly open ended opinion questions and not hard news. When you have all questions and no hard news, it can leave the reader misinformed because they don't have the same good news stories, and talk about "4 dollar a gallon gas" instead of a murder that happened, because it can get more likes and comments instead of informing the reader.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Audio Slideshow Project

Lyndon State College freshman Dylan Chase is an avid sports fan and loves to play as much as he loves to talk about it.

Chase was a self-taught basketball player and has come extremely far from where he started. This New Hampshire native only started playing basketball so he could fit in with his friends.

Moving on to high school ball, Dylan said he was always the second best player on his team. The former New Hampshire All-State player said his favorite part about basketball is playing defense and that is what he works on the most.

Considering he went to a small high school (only 22 in graduating class). Lisbon Regional won the championship in his senior season despite being knocked out in the first round of the tournament in recent years.

After going through the competitive stage in high school, Dylan wanted to take a more lackadaisical approach and try out intramurals at Lyndon. The reason for playing he said was just to stay in shape and have fun.

Although it is only intramurals, Dylan said he still likes to bring his competitive edge. He is a very passionate and grateful athlete, he mentioned that he loves intramurals and doesn’t take it for granted because other schools might not offer them to students.

Keep in mind, we aren’t talking about high school, or college varsity basketball, we are taking about intramurals. Although Chase is grateful to have intramurals, he still feels there could be improvements made.

The referees are the focal point of what Dylan is talking about when he says improvements could be made. No one is solely to blame; it is because of both the referees not making the calls and the players not being respectful.

Dylan is a classy athlete; he plays hard, gives it everything he’s got and he does not argue with the officiating.

We asked Dylan who he felt he represented as a player, he jokingly said Dwight Howard. After spectating a game, I suggested he plays like Luol Deng from the Chicago Bulls. He chuckled and said in a humbled voice “I like Luol, he’s a great player.”

Only a freshman, but Dylan is one of the most skilled basketball players in the intramural league. He said he is going to stick to intramurals and has no intent on playing for the varsity team.

Like most players, he is in it for the sheer fun of playing.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Audio slideshow proposal

For our project, we will be portraying a narrative on Jeff “Moose” Russell who is student (sophomore) and intramural basketball as well as an intramural basketball ref. Jeff is very active and vocal on the court when plays, so after we take photos of the game on Monday night we will interview him asking various questions on the game he just played, and his thoughts on being a player and a ref as a whole.

We plan to include some natural sound from the game, but also some music (still deciding) to compliment the slideshow. Our intended audience is young people, specifically college students or athletes. We feel it will be interesting because it shows youthfulness, enthusiasm and an activity or role students can have on campus.

This slideshow can work out well because we can show the photos of him during the game while playing the sound from the interview. We’re not sure whether we’re going to start off with music or end with music but we’ll figure it out before it’s finished.

Roles of Team Members:

Photos and Photo Editing: Jianchuan
Audio/Interviewing: Alex and John
Music and Audio Editing: Dan

Monday, February 27, 2012

Slideshow Critiques!

So for my two slide shows, the first I found was from the super bowl. Even though its still a sore spot in my mind, sports was the first thing that came to mind, and that was the most recent major event where it probably would have been covered well by photography.

The game's major points were picked up very well by the cameramen for the times, as there was every major highlight taken from many different angles. They even had the crucial Wes Welker drop late in the fourth quarter that would have all but ensured a New England victory. They also had the picture of the Mario Manningham shoestring catch that capped off the Giants final game winning drive.

The next slideshow I wanted to touch on was from the political spectrum. I checked out the White House for a photo gallery to see what the commander in chief happened to be up to this month.

There were very good photos taken, with elaborate captions that filled in the part of the scene you couldn't pick up just from the picture, which clarified quite a lot. I was able to follow where he had been and what he (and Vice President Biden) had been doing over the last month or so. They have photo slideshows for every month, and it is updated quite regularly.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Duk Podcast

Duk Byrd is a jack of all trades at Lyndon State College. Not only is he a student but he is also a very talented basketball player and most of all a skilled rapper.
Born in Hartford and raised in Waterbury, Connecticut, Duk has been rapping and balling his whole life. Byrd transferred from Holy Cross High School and attended Cathedral High School (Springfield, MA) and played basketball for the team. He graduated from Cathedral in 2009. With dreams of playing Division I basketball not being fulfilled, Duk attended Lyndon State College as a Music Business major. Byrd played on the basketball team his freshman year but he has taken this current year off in order to take care of his academics.
During his year off from basketball, Duk has released his mixtape "Still Chasin" which you can find on many hip-hop websites and he has just recently started working on his newest project which is untitled. In January Duk performed at Higher Ground, a venue in Burlington, Vermont and many people from the Lyndon State student body made the trip to support.
One thing that makes Duk special is his character. I know the rapper on a personal level and he is about as humble as one can be. Whether it is in the Dining Hall, the classroom, a dorm room or even on the basketball court, Duk is always willing to help people out. There is a sense of karma in his philosophy; with all of the kindness and sincerity he presents it all seems to come back to him with the amount of people that support his music. If you talk to Duk you will quickly find out that he is ambitious; the feedback and love he receives drives him to keep making music. With everything he has to offer, Duk is definitely one of the most intriguing students that attend Lyndon State.

You can download Duk's mixtape "Still Chasin" at: http://www.hotnewhiphop.com/duk-still-chasin-mixtape.32912.html

You can also stay updated by: following @Duk203 on Twitter or Facebook.com/duk203

Monday, February 13, 2012

Duk-Podcast Outline

Podcast Outline

For this podcast assignment, Jianchuan, Daniel, John and I will be interviewing one of Lyndon State's most interesting students, Duk Byrd.

Duk is an aspiring rapper from Connecticut and has performed at venues in the Lyndon area. Duk also has played for the Lyndon State Basketball Team in the past and plans to play again next year.

On Tuesday night we will construct our interview with Duk and we will ask him a great amount of questions dealing with future projects, school and sports and how he keeps a balance between the three.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Top 200 Bro Names.

Brozo the Clown
Rag and Brone
Broledad Bro'Brien
Breau Brummel
Brole Porter
Flannery Bro'Connor
Angelina Brolie
Marco Brolo
Plácido Bromingo
Brony Seikaly
Vincent Van Brogh
Sandy Broufax
Brosef Stalin
Lebrona Helmsley
Tom Brolicchio
Brohan Santana
Brobi-Wan Kenobi
Haley Broel Osment
Fidel Castbro
Brol Pot
Elvis Costellbro
Amy Broehler
Stephen Brolbert
Nabroleon Bronaparte
Broliver Cromwell
Evander Brolyfield
Mario Brotali
Brophia Loren
David Brohansen
Terrell Browens
Tony Bromo
Pete Brose
Brony Soprano
Jonathan Safran Broer
Alex Brovechkin
Bro Jackson (you don't know bro)
Bropher Grace
Renzo Pianbro
Santiagbro Calatrava
Broam Chomsky
Evelyn Brah
Bronus Wagner
Brad Brohaus
Giorgibro Armani
Al Brolson
Greg Brostertag
Emilibro Estevez
Paul "Bro" Bryant (Broooooollll Tide!)
Pablo Picassbro
Broto Baggins
Diegbro Velázqeuz
Bromar Sharif
Scarlett BroÿHara
Willem Dabroe
Brolden Caulfield
Broni Mitchell
Pebro Almobróvar
Francis Ford Broppola
Truman Cabrote
John Broltrane
Broman Brolanski
Mary-Kate and Ashley Brolsen
Gary Broldman
Bronas Salk
Slobrodan Mibrosevic
Teddy Broosevelt
Marilyn Monbroe
Charles Brokowski
Brogi Berra
Czeslaw Mibroscz
Paul Brauguin
Tim Tebro
Edgar Allen Bro
Christopher Brolumbus
William Jefferson Clinton
Norah Brones
Brofessor X
Rice o Broni
Pete Brozelle
The Sultan of Bronei
Methuselbrah (oldest living bro)
Bro Chi Minh
Larry, Curly & Bro
Dirk Diggler
Brodo Baggins
Bromer Simpson
Grady Sizemore
Helmut Brohl
Foghorn Leghorn
Nicolas Sarbrozy
Boutros Boutros-Gali
Broprah Winfrey
Brohan Brohan
Axl Brose
Sherlock Brolmes
Othellbro (not to be confused with Henry IV, Part Bro)
John Brolmes
Frank J. Zambroni
Yoko Brono
Apollo Brohno
Broco Crisp
Broald Dahl
Brophie Dahl
Bronan the Brahbarian
Bro Derek
Brollie Massimino
Mr. Brojangles
Bro Diddley
Yo-Yo Brah
Bro-M-G! (not a name, but still…)
Brosie OÿDonnell
Gina Brollo Brigida
Peter Bro'Toole
Brokie Roberts
Brony Randall
Broco Chanel
Brosé Feliciano
Bro. Henry
Brosephine Baker
Bromeo O. Bromeo
Frédéric Bropin
BrO. J. Simpson
Johannes Brahms
Don Breaux
Jon Favbreau
Jon Bon Jovi
Diego Marabrona
Brony the Tiger
Ben Bronanke
Raffaello Brollieri
Wolfgang Amadeus Brozart
Sen. John Breaux
Salvador Bralí
Landbro Calrissian
G.I. Bro
Sonia Brotomayor
Broach K
Brosama bin Laden
Khalid Sheik Brohammed
Nancy Pebrosi
Will Broldham
Sandra Broh
Bro Vaughan
Erbrol Flynn
Kareem Abdul-Jabbro
Bill Brodley
Fats Bromino
Brollie Fingers
Ringbro Starr
Brorence Henderson
Don Breaux
Kurt Brobain
Brody Jenner
Tom Brody
Alec Broldwin
T-Brone Burnett
Broald Dahl (and, of course, Brophie Dahl)
Broland the Thompson Gunner
Broe Biden
Bromagnon Man
Brjöron Borg
George Brahshington Carver
James Francbro
Bro Jo White
Barack, Michelle, Malia, and Sasha Brobama
Massibro Ambrosini
Brose Feliciano
Dom DiMaggibro
Brokely Carmichael
Bro-klyn Dekker
Brodi Al-Fayed
Hermann Brorschach
Brol' Dirty Bastard
Shaquille brO'Neal
Muggsy Brogues
Telly Savales is Brojak

Courtesy of: http://www.gq.com/blogs/the-q/2009/06/gqs-200-greatest-bro-names.html#ixzz1kxG4wP99

Pimp My Blog.

I was able to add a few cool features to my blog, that included a slideshow of sports cars on the side. I also put a news tab at the bottom for people to have an easy way to see popular stories from around the world at a click of a button. The layout is quite simple so that anyone could navigate the page easily.

Gas Station Robbery

Police need your help in finding a suspect that robbed the Sunoco in Swanton yesterday. The man is described as a white male, who is between 5'8 and 6'0.

Nobody was injured in the attack, but the man still got away with an undisclosed amount of cash and items from the store.

People are urged to contact the Vermont State Police in Saint Albans at 802-524-5993 if they have any information about the possible assailant.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Investigation Finds Being Shot Is No Fun

A Wolcott man who accidentally shot his friend could be facing time behind bars.

Conrad Masse was issued a citation with the charge of aggravated assault after he shot Wayne Goff last October while the two were hunting.

Masse, 76, and Goff, 58, were tracking bear hounds while hunting in Albany, Vermont. After locating the bear on their GPS, they both came in from opposite sides and saw the bear.

The report stated Masse then unloaded three rounds, one hit a tree, one hit the bear, and the other struck Goff.

He will appear on February 28th in Orleans County Superior Court to answer to his charges.

Sports Blog


After noticing that sports blogs are very hard to keep up with, I realized that if you don't stay updated, your blog can lack. This becomes especially true with an ever changing topic. The blog itself is well written, with links to every teams posts. The tags are accurate, and he has his own domain name, which is key to getting more visitors.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Multimedia Examples!

Looked into two news sources- one specific news story and one a whole website.

